Getting back to basics

For all of human history people have sought remedies from their gardens and the natural world around them. At Little Golden Shepherd we're harnessing the simple yet powerful ingredients found in nature to ease discomfort and bring balance.

  • It starts with high quality raw ingredients you can pronounce

    From the organic dried herbs, to the solid butters, essential oils, and all else that goes into making our massage butters special, you won't find anything superfluous in our products. Wanna learn more about what each ingredient does? Click here!

  • Each ingredient is infused and incorporated low and slow

    Did you know that every one of our herbal infusions is made in house- be it the arnica base in our adult butters, or the gentle herbal blend in the Baby Butter? Great care is taken to maintain the proper temperature and timeline to get the most out of each ingredient.

  • The concoction is then whipped to create a luxurious massage butter

    Having taken care to preserve the integrity of every ingredient, extracting their benefits and combining them into a glorious whole, the final product is then whipped into a lightweight and nourishing body butter that is perfect for massage.